Definitions | t T, P Q, x:A. B(x), tag(e), ||as||, index(e), E, b, IdLnk, s = t, Id, (x l), x:AB(x), P & Q, A & B, x:A. B(x), True, Void, Type, kind(e), rcv(l,tg), <a,b>, Knd, KindDeq, x.A(x), x. t(x), T, x:AB(x), f(a), x(s), a:A fp B(a), EqDecider(T), f(x)?z, valtype(e), val(e), P Q, P Q, source(l), loc(e), False, A, ES, type List, x:A. B(x), e@i. P(e), A/x,y. B(x;y), 1of(t), Case b of inl(x) s(x) ; inr(y) t(y), if b t else f fi, a<b, {T}, SQType(T), Prop, s ~ t, destination(l), sender(e), {x:A| B(x) }, ij, sends(l;e), (Msg on l), #$n, {i..j}, l[i], AB, , lnk(e), isrcv(e), i j < k, Top, IdDeq, vartype(i;x), with decls ds dasends on l from e include f(e) and only these for tags in tgs |